Where intention meets action

Successful and fulfilling careers benefit from strategic thinking. Founded by executive coach Emma Gill, Purpose Coaching & Development provides expert coaching solutions for individuals and organisations. These services enable clients to focus, make decisions and take action.

What is coaching?

Coaching is an evidence-based, non-therapeutic relationship that can support you in achieving your career goals. Purpose Coaching & Development specialises in:

Career planning

  • Knowing your strengths & development areas

  • Setting career goals & action planning

  • Making great job applications / building your business case

  • Feeling confident & competent at interview

Skills development

  • Managing teams effectively & empathetically

  • Developing your leadership style

  • Prioritisation & delegation

  • Developing resilience & a growth mindset

  • Challenging imposter syndrome & limiting beliefs

Onboarding / Returning to work

  • Building your network & personal brand

  • Setting objectives & getting clarity on your deliverables

  • Developing a robust 100-Day Plan

  • Re-establishing yourself & your goals after a period of leave

Relationship building

  • Communicating well with different audiences

  • Managing change on an individual &/or organisational level

  • Managing upwards

  • Building & bettering relationships


  • “I engaged Emma as my career coach to assist me with my application and preparation for a significant internal promotion. This was a particularly interesting time for me as I had also just returned from maternity leave so was adjusting to being a working mother for the first time. Emma helped me with intelligent and practical strategies for managing work/life balance and tips for elevating my management style at work in areas such as mentoring others, delegation, leading by example and business development. Emma was particularly good at this latter aspect in building confidence and offering models and styles for approaching clients. Emma’s style is friendly, personal but reassuringly professional and sessions of quite intense introspection can be balanced with light hearted discussions. A further point of note is Emma’s adaptability; I have a particular style and personality type and my coaching was effortlessly tailored to suit and Emma took the time to adapt where we discovered certain areas needed more attention.

    I would highly recommend coaching with Emma and Purpose. Her background knowledge of the legal industry and its structures was particularly helped for me but this would be widely applicable to any profession.”

    -Partner, International Law Firm -

  • “I approached Emma when I had a difficult career choice to make. Emma had a brilliant disposition, she strikes the perfect balance of listening, asking open questions and really guides you to the right answer without inflicting her opinion on you. She is fantastic and someone I would definitely recommend and or use again. I walked away feeling empowered and motivated by my career choice.”

    - Partner, Global Accountancy & Consultancy Firm -

  • “Emma coached me at a time when I felt my career at the Bar (over ten years in) was on a bit of a plateau. With Emma's assistance, I was able to refocus on parts of the job which bring me joy, understand the goals/milestones which would bring out those elements and establish a strategy of how to get there.

    Emma wasn't the first professional I had spoken to about this, but she was the most empathetic (a great listener), quick to grasp the issues and adopt a practical, solutions-based approach which worked well for me. I was also impressed by Emma's knowledge of the legal sector, which made me even more confident in her approach.

    Assisted by our sessions, I have secured an important appointment which will move my career forward in the direction I wanted and, day-to-day, have a lot more fun doing this job than I had before speaking with Emma. I have no hesitation in recommending Emma as a first-rate coach who really knows her stuff and is a pleasure to work with.'

    -Barrister, Leading Civil Chambers, London-

  • “Working with Emma was an incredibly positive experience. It was my first time working with a coach and I didn’t know what to expect or what was realistic, and Emma helped me to understand what was possible and where I should focus my time.

    She is naturally warm and engaging and quickly built an atmosphere of trust despite my initial nerves. Emma gave practical steps that felt achievable, which helped me to see real progress. After working with Emma for several weeks I felt a renewed energy and focus in my work – which I’d been lacking for some time – and was able to define a way forward in what had felt like a dead end.”

    -Consultant, Strategy Consultancy-

  • “I cannot recommend Emma enough. I contacted her when I was feeling stuck in my job, overwhelmed, and grappling with various big life decisions at the same time. She was endlessly patient, wise, and supportive, and struck just the right balance between challenging and encouraging me.

    By the end of our sessions I felt much more confident in my choices, having had the space to really think through what I wanted and why, and I’ve used several of the tools and strategies that she shared with me since.

    Besides being empathetic and emotionally intelligent, Emma is also warm, funny, and authentic, so I always looked forward to seeing her.

    I would definitely come back to Emma in future if I find myself at another crossroads or stuck in a rut, and would recommend her to friends and colleagues without hesitation.”

    - Research Fellow -

  • “Emma provided me with the opportunity to explore situations, better understand them and set out how I want to deal with them, being more thoughtful to those around me. She was a pleasure to talk to, I never once felt judgement on her part - she was thoroughly supportive from the outset.

    Emma also helped me to plan what I wanted to achieve at work, this stuck with me between sessions and helped to motivate me in challenging situations.

    The evaluative work I did with Emma helped me to develop my approach to work, but also had a positive impact on my home life too. I have found myself putting more time and consideration into how I deal with situations, resulting in positive outcomes all round.

    I am so grateful for my time spent with Emma and would recommend coaching to anyone looking to improve their performance at work or better understand how they work, what is important to them and also the impact of their interactions on others.”

    -Senior Manager, Charity -

  • “Loved that Emma used tools to understand how I operate and think e.g. learning styles, and then used different techniques which were best suited to me.

    I understand more about my own learning styles, I value my skill set more and feel more confident articulating my value in tricky situations.”

    -Head of Partnerships, Social Enterprise-

  • “Emma is a fantastic coach. She supported me through a complex transition, which involved professional choices and tricky lifestyle changes. Through Emma's compassionate and expert approach, I was able to explore some areas that I had previously been too afraid to tackle. During our sessions, no challenge felt too big or scary and I felt empowered to make the best choices for me. I highly recommend Emma!”

    -Head of PMO, Telehealth Consultancy -